Friday, February 13, 2015

Agri-Spouse Friday Week 25 and Week 26

Welcome back to our Agri-Spouse Quilt Along.

Last week we put together three blocks. Swallow and Strawberry Basket were supposed to be done for week 24. Temperance Tree was the first block for week 25. This week we will start with the second block of "week 25" and do both of week 26 and start week 27. Today was supposed to be week 28 but we will get caught up again. With these four blocks, I am only four blocks behind the plan I made.

First though, I have photos to share from Suzanne and Mom!

From Mom we have Broken Dishes:

And Peace and Plenty:

Mom has gotten to the start of the group of blocks we did for a few weeks that were loads of HSTs. Guess she is going to have lots of practice with HSTs in the next little bit. 

From Suzanne, we will start with the block that gave me so much trouble. Hopefully Suzanne had better luck! Swallow:

Then Strawberry Basket:

And last, but not least, Temperance Tree:

I like how Suzanne apparently thought that the "strawberry" part of the basket needed to be red just like I did. Red strawberries just felt right to me. I realized while doing it that Temperance Tree felt very familiar. I flipped through my completed blocks and realized that except for the width of the "trunk" it was the same as Pine Tree. I missed that when doing the original organization somehow or we would have done those two blocks together.Oh well. Also funny to me, when I placed the two side by side, I realized that I had done both of those two blocks with light purple and dark purple HSTs. Whoops! At least they won't be placed side by side in the completed quilt. 

So with that, on to this week's blocks. I had a bit of trouble again on the first block. The measurements that I have posted are what I ended up with but it took a bit of trial and error - and stitch ripping of course. I haven't ever done a block anywhere near to this so it was a learning experience but one I am glad to have learned. I hope the instructions are clear since the photos aren't perfect.

Our first block is Block #96 - Tulip.

Cut one 2" x 2" raspberry square.
Cut two 2" x 5 1/2" raspberry rectangle.
Cut one 3 7/8" light pink square, cut on the diagonal.
Cut one 1 5/8" x 5 1/2" brown rectangle.
Cut one 1 5/8" x 5 1/2" dark grey rectangle.
Cut two 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" light grey square, cut on the diagonal.
Cut one 1 5/8" x 4 1/2" light pink rectangle.
Cut one 1 5/8" x 4 1/2" blue rectangle.
Cut one 3" x 3" light grey square, cut on the diagonal.

Line up the small raspberry square RST at the end of the long raspberry rectangle. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Place the other long raspberry rectangle RST with the right angle of the pink triangle. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side.

Place the long raspberry rectangle RST with the pink/raspberry piece. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. The raspberry "tails" can stay for now.

Take your brown rectangle and place your ruler at the inside corner and cut a 45 degree angle corner off. Make sure that you cut it off so that the angle goes the way you want it too. Repeat for the long dark grey rectangle, ensuring that the angle goes in the opposite direction of the brown. Place the long side of one of the four smaller grey triangles RST with the short side of the brown rectangle. Allow a 1/4" of the triangle to hang beyond the brown. 
Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for the dark grey rectangle. The same thing is going to be done for the pink rectangle and the blue rectangle. Cut off the corner, place the pieces RST with a 1/4" overhang and then sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Watch that your angles all go the right way.

Place the short side of one of the remaining triangles (not the long like the picture) RST with the pink "rectangle", sew a 1/4" seam and set the seam. Once again, make sure you have the angles going the direction you need them to. I finger pressed the grey triangle up at this point to make sure that everything was lining up right. When everything is good, use your ruler to cut off the extra pink fabric. Repeat for the blue rectangle. Place the "blue" side of the triangle RST with the "pink" side of the other triangle. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side.

Lastly, place the just finished triangle RST with the pink/raspberry triangle. Sew a 1/4" seam and set the seam. Cut off the raspberry "tails" and press the seam to one side. Finally, trim your block to 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" square. That finishes up our first block for today. I will admit that I had to take this one apart a few times but I finally got it all put together!

Our second block this week is Block #74 - Ribbons.

Cut sixteen 2" x 2" green squares.
Cut four 2" x 3 1/2" light orange rectangles.
Cut four 2" x 3 1/2" dark orange rectangles.

Place one of the green squares RST one the end of one of the light orange rectangles. Draw a line diagonally across the blue square. Sew directly on the line. Place your ruler on the stitch line and slice off the little triangle a 1/4" from the stitch line. Repeat for the other three light orange rectangles. Repeat again for the four dark orange rectangles but make sure the diagonal goes in the opposite direction as the diagonal on the light orange rectangles. Set the seams and press to one side

Place a green square RST on the other end of your rectangles. Draw a diagonal line on the square in the same direction as previously sewn. Sew a 1/4" seam and set the seam. Cut off the little triangle, 1/4" from your sew line. Repeat for the other seven rectangles. Watch your angles!

Organize your pieces the way you want them to look.

Place two of your rectangles RST, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for the other rectangles so that you have four pairs.

You now have a regular four patch to put together. Place one square RST with another square, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for the other two squares.

Lastly, place your two rectangles RST, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Your second block is now finished!

Our third block this week is Block #90 - Storm Signal.

Cut two 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" grey squares.
Cut two 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" black squares.
Cut two 1 7/8" x 1 7/8" grey squares.
Cut two 1 7/8" x 1 7/8" black squares.

Cut one 2 5/8" x 2 5/8" grey square.
Cut one 2 5/8" x 2 5/8" black square.
Cut two 4" x 4" raspberry squares, cut these on the diagonal.

Place the grey and black 2 5/8" squares RST and make them into HSTs. Place a grey and black 2 3/8" square RST and make them into HSTs. Repeat for the other grey and black 2 3/8" squares.

Take the HSTs made from the 2 5/8" squares and slice them in half, perpendicular to the seam line you sewed. Place two of the new triangles together so that the grey and black alternate and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side and you have made a QST. I did this for the other two triangle pairs and made an extra QST for use later, I just don't know when later!

Organize your pieces the way you want them to look.

The black and grey portion of your block is just a nine patch at the moment so those pieces will get sewn together just like all of the other nine patches you have made.

Place one of your raspberry triangles RST along the edge of your nine patch and sew a 1/4" seam. Place another of your raspberry triangles RST on the opposite side of your nine patch and sew a 1/4" seam. Set the seams and press to one side. Next place a raspberry triangle on one of the remaining grey/black sides and sew a 1/4" seam. Place the last raspberry triangle on the last grey/black side and sew a 1/4" seam. Set the seams and press to one side and the third block is finished!

Our last block for this week is Block #52 - Hovering Hawks.

Cut four 2" x 2" green squares.
Cut three 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" green squares.
Cut three 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" brown squares.
Cut two 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" brown squares, cut on the diagonal.
Cut one 2 3/8" x 2 3/8" green square, cut on the diagonal.
Cut two 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" brown rectangles.

Place one of the green 2 1/2" squares RST with one of the brown 2 1/2" square and make it into HSTs. Repeat for the other green/brown 2 1/2" squares. 

Fold the brown rectangle in half the long way and finger press to find the centre. Do the same with the green triangle so that the long edge of the triangle has the fold through it. Place the centre of the green triangle RST with the centre of the edge of the brown rectangle. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for the other green triangle and brown rectangle. Organize your pieces the way you want them to look.

Look at the pieces almost like a four patch. Take two of the 2" green squares and two of the green/brown HSTs and make the into a four patch. Repeat this with the other two 2" green squares and two more of the green/brown HSTs.

Line the short side of a brown triangle up RST with an HST. The corner of the triangle should match up with the corner of the HST. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat with another brown triangle and HST.

Line up another brown triangle on the next side of your HST, again so that the corner of your triangle matches the corner of your HST. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat with another brown triangle and HST.

Your pieces should now look like the pieces to the right.

Place your brown/green triangle RST with the edge of your brown rectangle. Sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat with another brown triangle and brown rectangle.

Trim each of the two pieces with the brown rectangles to 3 1/2" square.

You now have a four patch to put together again. Place two of your pieces RST, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for the other two pieces.

Lastly, place your two long rectangle pieces RST, sew a 1/4" seam and set the seam. Press to one side and the fourth block and last block for this week is finished!

Our Family Day holiday is on Monday so the kids are home again. Quinn was home for part of last Monday as well as yesterday and the kids had a PD day the week before. At this time of year I don't seem to get a whole week to myself with all a holiday, PD day, teacher's convention and who knows what else. 

I am still having a great time doing this though so although I am happier when I am caught up to where I want to be, I refuse to stress myself out over it. Quilting is supposed to be fun and I will do everything I can to make sure that it stays that way for myself and anyone who wants to quilt along with me.

Have fun and I'll see you next week with who knows how many blocks!


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