Thursday, September 25, 2014

Agri-Spouse Friday - Week 9

Welcome back to Agri-Spouse Friday!

Last week we did up two blocks that were HSTs, HSTs and more HSTs in that both blocks were made entirely of HSTs. With that we will go right into the pictures.

First is Suzanne's Broken Dishes:

And Marian's Broken Dishes:

Then we have Suzanne's Peace and Plenty:

And Marian's Peace and Plenty:

Beautiful Ladies! out there??

I originally had us doing three blocks this week but I mucked up the third block by doing it in two colours instead of three and as a result it ended up looking just like another block rather than looking like its own block so I will redo it and post it then.

So with that, this week's TWO blocks!

We will start with Block #102 - Whirlpool..

Cut eight yellow 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.
Cut eight blue 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.

Place one 2 1/2" yellow square RST with one 2 1/2" blue square. Pin on the diagonal. Draw a line diagonally on the wrong side of the lighter fabric. Sew a seam 1/4" from the line you have just drawn and then sew a 1/4" seam on the other side of the line you drew. Then place your ruler along the line you drew and slice the two HSTs apart Set the seam and press to one side. Repeat the process with the remaining seven yellow/blue 2 1/2" squares to make all of the squares into HSTs. Trim your HSTs to 1 1/2" square. You should now have sixteen yellow/blue HSTs that measure 1 1/2" square.

Arrange all of your HSTs the way they are supposed to look.

We will number the patches like we did the nine patches except that this time they will number 1 - 16. Flip 1 RST onto 2 and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for set 3/4 then 5/6 then 7/8 then 9/10 then 11/12 then 13/14 and lastly 15/16. Make sure that you press the seams to the sides in such a way that where the seams meet, they end up going opposite ways so that they will nest neatly.

Now flip the 1/2 set RST onto the 5/6, set, nesting the seam neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Flip the 3/4 set RST onto the 7/8 set, nesting the seams neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Flip the 9/10 set RST onto the 13/14 set, nesting the seams neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Flip the 11/12 set RST onto the 15/16 set, nesting the seams neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side.

Flip one four patch RST onto the four patch beside it, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Then flip the other four patch RST onto the other four patch and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side.

Lastly, flip the two pieces RST onto each other, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side and the first block is finished!

Our second block will be Block #62 - Old Windmill.

Cut eight pink 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.
Cut four dark purple 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.
Cut two light purple 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.
Cut two green 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares.

Place one 2 1/2" pink square RST with one 2 1/2" blue square. Pin on the diagonal. Draw a line diagonally on the wrong side of the lighter fabric. Sew a seam 1/4" from the line you have just drawn and then sew a 1/4" seam on the other side of the line you drew. Then place your ruler along the line you drew and slice the two HSTs apart Set the seam and press to one side. Repeat the process with the remaining squares matching a pink square with each of the other coloured 2 1/2" squares to make all of the squares into HSTs. Trim your HSTs to 1 1/2" square. You should now have sixteen half pink and half another colour 1 1/2" square HSTs.

Arrange all of your HSTs the way they are supposed to look.

We will number the patches like we did the nine patches except that this time they will number 1 - 16. Flip 1 RST onto 2 and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Repeat for set 3/4 then 5/6 then 7/8 then 9/10 then 11/12 then 13/14 and lastly 15/16. Make sure that you press the seams to the sides in such a way that where the seams meet, they end up going opposite ways so that they will nest neatly.

Now flip the 1/2 set RST onto the 5/6, set, nesting the seam neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Flip the 3/4 set RST onto the 7/8 set, nesting the seams neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Flip the 9/10 set RST onto the 13/14 set, nesting the seams neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Flip the 11/12 set RST onto the 15/16 set, nesting the seams neatly and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side.

Flip one four patch RST onto the four patch beside it, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side. Then flip the other four patch RST onto the other four patch and sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side.

Lastly, flip the two pieces RST onto each other, sew a 1/4" seam, set the seam and press to one side and the first block is finished!

That's it for this week then. 

I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out EQ7 and blogger has made some changes too. As a result of both of these I feel like I have had a week of technical difficulties. In reality it is just learning new software and working with the changes of something I have been working with for a while. I used to be pretty good at the computer stuff before I had kids. I actually helped my husband get started with a lot of the software that he is now better at than I am but I haven't done this much in quite a while.

I'm sure I will get better at the software with time and more practice but it is frustrating in the short term. I got most this quilt onto EQ7, including colouring the blocks with scans of the actual fabric I would be using. I did this over a few days and thought that I had saved it to the sketchbook. I don't know what happened but I lost most of the colouring. I had filled in about seventy-five percent of the blocks and although I KNOW that I hit save to sketchbook, only three of the blocks are still left coloured. ARGGGH! 

Hopefully better news next week.


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